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Keeping Your Salon Style After Your Appointment

Walking out of the salon feeling like "that girl" doesn’t always come cheap but it's worth it to receive all that pampering and professional treatment. Your stylist knows how to tackle your hair but when you get home and try to recreate what he/she has done in the salon it is a different story. But, have no fear you can learn a thing or two, by keeping your eyes peeled and asking the right questions to maintain that magic created at the salon.

First things first, "Stay WOKE":

It’s really comforting to be pampered, especially at a familiar salon. But always, be aware while you’re in the chair. This way, you avoid overly zealous chops and get to check out what tools and technique you’re stylist uses. Most of the time, your stylist will chat with you about how to achieve the style while you are getting caped. Talk about your at home regime always. It will reveal the ways you are damaging your hair without knowing it.

Talk About Yourself:

Let your stylist know about yourself and your lifestyle so that he/she will know what kind of maintenance you’re willing to commit to. For instance, if you’re strictly a wash-and-go girl, your stylist will have a better idea of how to work with your hair to give you the best version of what you’re looking for.

Ask For Directions:

Once your stylist reaches for product and styling tools, ask them what those products are and how to use them to maintain your style at home. You don’t have to feel pressured to purchase them with your visit– but if you do want to purchase– your stylist will know where you can find them and may have them for sale in the salon.

Stretch it out:

You may not want to wash your hair for days after a great cut and style, and your hair may thank you for the break from drying detergents (aka shampoo) and more heat styling. Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase will also help to prevent breakage or dulling overnight.

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